6 Occasions When Custom Printed Bags Can Leave a Lasting Impression

What comes to your mind when you think of custom printed bags? Branding your business? But do you know, there is a wide range of custom printed products in packaging. The aim is to milk as much benefit of these products as you can on various occasions. Custom printed bags are not just meant for e-commerce businesses or retail stores. You can use them in several other ways.

 Custom Printed Plastic Bags

Here are some occasions you can use custom printed bags on:

1. Wedding Giveaways

Weddings in India are an event in itself. The number of gifts one hands over at this occasion is quite huge. There are so many themes that the bride and groom’s side plan to make the event memorable for the guests and leave an impression on their minds. Why not customize the bags that you use for giving gifts and handing over cards to your near and dear ones? From printing the bride and groom’s name to adding fun quotes, there is no end to creative ways to custom print the regular plastic bags.

custom print bags

2. Charity Events

The aim behind charity events is to create awareness about the brand & organization working towards a certain social cause or issue. Using custom printed bags to handover documents or flyers and brochures during the charity event to the guests is a good way to build your brand identity and achieve brand recall too.

3. Off-site Training

Off-site training engages your employees and helps you build stronger relationships with them. Along with activities, employees do carry some curious or memorabilia during these events. Using customized bags for packaging these giveaways will have a lasting impression on everyone.

4. Conferences

Connect with your attendees instantly with custom printed bags. You can use D-cut retail bags, plastic bags with colourful handles or custom pre-printed plastic file folders to share information regarding your company. Along with your logo, you can even get your unique features or portfolio printed strategically on these bags to push sell.

D Cut Retail Carry Shopping Bags

5. Return Gifts

No matter what the occasion is, with just a little thought, you can design excellent D-cut or plastic bags with handles that your guests will remember for a very long time. Choose these gift bags for birthday parties, anniversary celebrations, college reunions and more such occasions when you want to pass on return gifts to the attendees.

6. Corporate Gifting

While you take a lot of effort in selecting the gifts for your business associates and clients or employees, you also need to create an impact of your brand on their minds. Hence, using custom printed shipping boxes and courier bags to send your gifts across is an excellent idea. You can even select between regular opaque plastic bags and frosted bags.

Feeling overwhelmed by reading our informative post and want to buy it? Feel free to contact our knowledgeable team by email at info@packingsupply.in or call (+91-78570-78570).

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